Ashley Harpst, Registered Dietitian

I'm dedicated to helping you accomplish your goals

  Ashley Harpst, is a private practice Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Sports Dietitian, and owner of Go for the Gold Nutrition.  Ashley, specializes in sports nutrition for endurance athletes such as runners, swimmers, triathletes, soccer players, and surfers. Ashley is Certified  Conscious Parent & Life Coach trained by Dr. Shefali Tsabary. She provides virtual sports nutrtion counseling and she helps parents boost their teenager’s confidence on and off the athletic field. 

   Ashley was the lead Dietitian for the San Diego Sports Medicine and Family Health Center. Ashley has had several articles on sports nutrition published by Slide Tackle Soccer Magazine and one article published by SCAN (Sports Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutritionists).     

   She has given presentations on sports nutrition and weight loss for athletic teams such as the San Diego Surf Soccer Club, the San Triathlon Club, and the Team Touche Fencing Club. She also gave a presentation about medical nutrition therapy for Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation.    

   Ashley completed her undergraduate degree in Food and Nutrition at San Diego State University and a dietetic internship at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Ga.     

She is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, SCAN (Sports Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutritionists), and she was nominated for Young Dietitian of the Year.         

   Exercise is a part of Ashley’s lifestyle. She is involved in several sports including fencing, swimming, surfing, soccer, and she is a runner.  

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